Let’s turn the other check this week! I rhymed, how cleaver. Forgiven and forget and feel free and at peace. Quiet the mind by letting go of the bullsh*t.
Technorati Tags:
podcast, self help, spirituality, peace, meditation, happiness
Let’s turn the other check this week! I rhymed, how cleaver. Forgiven and forget and feel free and at peace. Quiet the mind by letting go of the bullsh*t.
Technorati Tags:
podcast, self help, spirituality, peace, meditation, happiness
Accepting what is so can be a very difficult task, especially when all of your board members are involved. Discover a new tool for gaining more peace around acceptance in this new podacast. Join in with the AQM community this Saturday at 8:30-9:00 Pacific time for a live meditation!
Technorati Tags:
podcast, self help, spirituality, peace, meditation, happiness
Star Stuff
In this episode we look at The Seven Spiritual Steps to a quiet mind. We will start by looking deeper in acceptance; both self and exterior. What drives you crazy? What is it that you cannot accept about yourself, your partner or the world situation. We will use the Seven Steps to find that gap in time and space were we can just be.
Technorati Tags:
podcast, self help, spirituality, peace, meditation, happiness
Not much to report today on the fast and cleanse but a nasty coat on my tongue that feels like a slick and tacky everglades born moss – ewe. And a little athlete’s foot (not on the tongue thankfully but the foot). I’ve had a few skin break-outs but nothing too horrific. I’m still passing some things (sorry to mention that but hey, we’re all grown ups, right?) and I can’t believe it! You would think after almost a full week of not eating that you would be pretty much emptied out. Apparently that’s not the case for yours truly. I have taken a picture of what I’ve been consuming over the last six days not including the salt water flush that I drink in the morning (10 ounces of filtered water and 1/2 a teaspoon of sea salt)