Is it normal to feel sadness when embarking on this path?

The ego mind uses diversionary tactics to take our attention away from our natural state of being, which is peaceful, calm and relaxed. It uses emotions, thoughts and feelings to distract us and gain our attention. Once such emotion is sadness our mourning. When sadness arises we want to fall into it and feel depressed. But when we look closely we can see that we have only followed a train of thoughts that tells us to feel bad about ourselves our or situation. What happens when we stop following the train of thoughts? We can experience peace, our natural state and that natural state needs no acceptance or understanding from the ego mind. We only need to put our attention on the silent space in between thoughts to experience it first hand. The more we embrace our inner silence the more we shake the hold that the ego has on us and the less likely we are to follow thoughts that lead to sorrow. This topic is covered in depth in the new podcast titled” Is it normal to feel sadness?”

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Is it normal to feel sadness when embarking on this path?