As you can see there are some changes being made with the website, so please bear with me as I learn as I go. We are adding a forum to the site so that you can have your voice heard and interact with other AQM listeners. I’m also working on some new pages that will include guided meditation, instruction on meditation and guided relaxation.
Tag Archives: meditation
Forgive and forget
Let’s turn the other check this week! I rhymed, how cleaver. Forgiven and forget and feel free and at peace. Quiet the mind by letting go of the bullsh*t.
Technorati Tags:
podcast, self help, spirituality, peace, meditation, happiness
Stuff is coming up!
Accepting what is so can be a very difficult task, especially when all of your board members are involved. Discover a new tool for gaining more peace around acceptance in this new podacast. Join in with the AQM community this Saturday at 8:30-9:00 Pacific time for a live meditation!
Technorati Tags:
podcast, self help, spirituality, peace, meditation, happiness
Live meditation Saturday!
Live meditation Saturday!
Ok, so I tried Skype and only my wife and three dogs showed up to the first LIVE AQM meditation. So let’s try, try again only this time we are going give USTREAM a test drive for the next meditation. Ustream seems pretty cool. They have a chat and everything, but basically it’s just a live shot of yours truly sitting still. I’ve messed with it a bit and now I would like to give it a good trail run. So if you want to see me stare at a spot on my computer for about tweenty minutes please join in! Let’s meet at 8:30 am Pacific time on Saturday mornings. This way we can try out some different live streaming stuff to see which one we like best. All you have to do is show up, sit down and get quiet. Hope to see you there! AQUIETMIND TV